Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Enjoying some time off

This past week has brought us a bit of snow.
Last Friday we had enough that Bug spent the whole day sledding down our hill from the shop to the house and back. It's amazing how much kids change from one year to the next. Last year he didn't get the idea of momentum at all. He tried to jump on the sled but never did get the technique right and it made for some very slow slides down the hill. Because of this he wasn't too excited to march back up the hill and try again.

This year was a completely different experience. He caught on quick that if be jumped on the sled and pushed off hard it made a fast and fun ride down the short hill. I'm sure he took that ride no less than 100 times Friday. On Saturday he was able to share his experience with a friend and it was so cute to watch Bug explain the technique to his friend who had never gone sledding before.

He wasn't too thrilled with mom bundling him up tight.


monstergirlee said...

Gorgeous photos. The snow is so awesome up here. Not many photos tho - I'm Lame.
Glad you guys had fun!

Maude Lynn said...

That first picture of his little face is just priceless!

Since we never get that kind of snow, the only place here that gets workable for sledding is the HIGHWAY OVERPASS! No, I'm not kidding. I'm such a mean mom that I don't take Baby Puppy sledding onto the interstate.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture of the scenery up there. Sounds like fun with the little one...I bet he slept well that night!

Corey~living and loving said...

look at all that snow! WOW! totally cool!

Have a great Christmas, Autumn!

Anonymous said...

interesting blog, I'll have to come back and read more, thanks