Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas... a review
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wishing for sunshine
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Enjoying some time off
He wasn't too thrilled with mom bundling him up tight.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
One dumb parenting moment
Monday, December 15, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's Freakin cold here!!
Bug and Grandma are doing wonderful back home. Today Bug told my mom that he missed me but by the time I talked to him tonight he was laughing and happy.
Apparently when he went with grandma to feed the goats he climbed up onto the hay pile in the barn. He recounted the story like this: "Momma, I slid down the hay and you know what? I got hay down my underwear! Down my underwear momma!"
Me laughing " Was it itchy?"
Bug " Yes it was, so I had to take off my pants and underwear in front of grandma. IN FRONT OF Grandma!!!" Then he fell into a fit of laughing.
I think he's doing just fine.
Thank heaven for generous grandmas.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Leaving on a Jet plane...
My mom traveled 8 hours yesterday to stay and take care of Bug and husband while I'm gone. Bug will be getting a ton of one on one attention from Grandma and he's very excited about that.
Unfortunately I will be missing his Kindergarten winter concert. I just keep reminding myself how lucky I am to actually have a good job in this economy and then I'm OK with having to taking this trip.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunset at the beach
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 23, 2008
So did you get what you were looking for?
But what I love the most about Google analytics is that I get to see how people end up on my blog. Usually it's a lot of poor saps looking for something that has to do with Autumn the Season and not Autumn the person. But recently someone ended up here by searching for "Autumn is a pain in the ass" Yes I understand that I am sometimes, but why exactly do you need to google that? I'm sure that search ended up on my pain in the ass post, click it .. you know you want to read all about the time I got horned in the ass by a goat.
There are multiple searches for someone that I went to high school with. Someone I did not know very well and who's name I will not mention in this post. The only reason they end up here is the fact that my dear friend Corey left me a comment telling me how that person has a blog too. Thanks Corey, whoever ended up here spent a good five minutes perusing my pages. Hopefully they found your comment and so it all made sense to them then.
Actually I thought about deleting it but I need all the hits I can get... it boosts my self esteem.
Other than those I seem to have a lot of gardeners ending up here, I'm sorry to disappoint. This isn't HGTV and I'm not a botanist that can explain what an alstermaria looks like or what ate your pumpkin.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Man do I feel bad...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Trying something new
So I'm taking a queue from one of my favorite photo bloggers, Monstergirlee and I'm going to try one shot at a time for a while. Maybe I'll get back into the groove!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
One shot
Monday, November 10, 2008
Riding the roller coaster
Things are much better with Bug this week.
We got the test results back and they were all negative for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Thursday was hell, Friday was a bit better and Saturday he was like a normal kid.
He was stiff Saturday night but by Sunday morning he was fine.
Sunday night after doing school work at the kitchen table he complained about his legs.
He has been stiff all day today and not wanting to walk around.
The doctor is pretty sure it is a virus at this point but said he would confer with a Rheumatoligist just to be safe.
Bug has a pretty big cough going on now along with a lot of snot.
I'm cautiously optimistic that he is on the mend.
I swear this parenting thing is not for wussies.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sick with worry
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A beautiful moment
Every year in October flocks of Sand hill cranes fly south right over our house.
The year I was pregnant with Bug I was huge in late October.
I was taking my daily
I looked up searching the sky for the noise.
In amazement I saw thousands of birds. They were swirling up up up.
They looked like a large black cloud that churned and swirled as they tried to catch a stream of air high in the sky. I stood there in awe, I had never ever seen anything like it.
An old man who was working in his yard was watching as well.
"Sand Hill cranes" he said "Aren't they amazing"
Soon they caught a draft and took off south in one big flock.
Every year I see them, though never again in those magnificent numbers.
A couple weeks ago, after feeding the goats, Bug and I started on an impromptu walk through our property. We had just gone over a bank and into some trees when I heard their distinctive sound. "The Sand Hill cranes!" I shrieked in excitement.
Then I started running up the hill away from the trees so that I could get a better look.
Bug yelled out "Wait for me momma!!"
Breathless we both stood at the top of the hill and watched as several formations flew overhead.
Bug whispered " They are the ones with red on their head right momma?"
He actually retained something from all those hours flipping through my bird books!
When they had all gone Bug turned to me and said "That was a beautiful moment wasn't it momma?"
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Blogversarie
Time flies when you're having fun.
I wasn't really sure what I wanted out of this blog when I first started.
All I knew was that it looked like fun!
I would read my incredibly talented friend Corey's blog and I would start thinking in blog post.
I would dream of incredibly insightful and meaningful things to say.
Then I would sit down at the computer and totally F it up!
I'm just not that great of a writer.
Then I would set out to take some awesome photos and make this a photography blog.
But I'm just a mediocre photographer who gets really lucky sometimes.
So instead I write about my life and my family and post some pictures to chronicle it all.
It seems to work for me, it is who I am, average.
This past year has brought me incredible joy watching Bug grow.
It also brought extreme sorrow as I watched my step-mom die.
There have been a lot of changes in my life since she left.
I have asked myself a lot of questions.
Am I living my life how I want to?
Why am I blogging?
Do I spend enough quality time with Bug?
Why the hell do people have to die?
I slowed down my blog posts and tried to focus on real life over the Summer.
I thought about just shutting down the blog.
But in the end I have decided to just give it what I can.
Thank you for sticking around with me.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Slugs and snails and puppy dog tails....
After reading many of the comments on my last post I realized I'm meant to be the mother of a son. It wasn't always that way. I didn't know that I was supposed to be the mother of a boy. I wanted a girl and I wanted one bad. When husband and I decided to have children we thought it would be as simple as stopping birth control. We decided early on that we would only have one. Husband already had a son from his first marriage and I was sure that one child together would complete our family. I knew I had one shot to have that little girl I dreamed about. I read about all the ways to ensure that you will have a baby girl. I used all of the tricks outlined in those silly books but after a full year of not getting pregnant I was pretty discouraged.
I went to my OBGYN and explained my fears that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. She listened to my concerns and said in the most unsympathetic voice " Well we can set up some tests if that's really what you want"
I didn't know if I wanted poked and prodded. I didn't even know what I would do if the tests said I couldn't do it on my own. So I left her office dejected. After four more months I told husband I was done trying. I wasn't going to put any more emotional pressure on myself. Besides if I got pregnant that month I would have a baby in December and I really didn't want to have a baby close to Christmas.
Two weeks later I had a positive pregnancy test and a baby due on December 7th.
For fifteen weeks I talked to her in my belly, decided on a girls name and hoped and hoped that she wouldn't be a he. Then the morning of my ultrasound I sat at my desk and started to cry. I told myself this is it, I know I'm having a boy. I said to myself "You can cry this one time and then you aren't allowed to cry about it anymore" And I haven't. I have enjoyed Bugs boyness. I have however asked myself why several times.
As each and every one of my childhood friends had baby girls. I wondered why I wasn't meant to have one too. When I walked through the baby aisles and looked at all the pretty girl clothes I thought "Why can't I pick out dresses with flowers instead of t-shirts with bugs?"
But earlier this week when everyone was shocked that I would let my five year old eat a sucker with a bug in it, I realized I was meant to be the mother of a boy. I pick up snakes, bugs and crawdads for him to see. I'm not afraid to let him climb trees or get dirty.... or eat bugs.
He's a boy and I wouldn't trade him for a girl. I will probably still wish I could buy those pretty girly clothes. However to curb that desire I've been eyeing the cute dog clothes section lately... the dog will love me for it I'm sure.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Traveling Bug
Ok so I've been back for almost a week, sue me.
Where did I go?
Houston Texas for a business meeting.
My days where filled with meetings and evenings with business dinners.
So I didn't have much time to do much shopping except at the Houston Airport.
I picked out a nice NASA t-shirt since he has been saying he wants to be an Astronaut.
While I stood at the counter I noticed some suckers in a box on the counter.
They had something in them....

Oh yes, that is a Scorpion.
Yes, it is real. Here are the ingredients just to prove it.
Ingredients: Malitol syrup, SCORPION, artificial flavoring and coloring.
I had to get it for my bug loving Bug. There was a day of show and tell where he thought up the following conversation.
Bug: I'll show K the sucker like this (holds sucker where you can't see the scorpion) and K will say " Oh cool a sucker". Then I will say " Oh contrare" and turn it around.
Then he announced that he was going to eat the sucker.
Husband didn't believe him and asked 100 times if it truly was edible.
But yes he ate it.
Here is the proof:

When asked what the scorpion tasted like, Bug replied " It tasted like sucker"
Only in Texas... or California where the sucker was actually made.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Life's a beach

Then some pictures of my her and my brother in law together.
And I took some pictures of the brothers together.
Then my sister in law ripped my camera out of my hand and insisted that she take hubby and my picture! OK not really. She nicely offered to take a couple pictures of us.
This next one is deceiving. It looks like we are lovingly looking at each other, but in actuality husband make some smart ass remark and I'm giving him a stink eye.
Then I set out to get my macro on....
As I was finding interesting patterns in the rocks, I noticed my crazy sister in law. She had taken off her shoes and running around in the freezing weather barefoot in search of sea shells.
When you look at a larger version of this next picture you can see the hairs on these berries.

Friday, October 3, 2008
Score: Bookcase - 1, Bug - 0
When I arrived he started crying and showed me his pinkie.
It was twice the size of his other one, with a huge blood blister.
So I took him to urgent care and the verdict is a broken pinkie finger.
He seems almost proud of it now though.
On the way home he said " I'm the youngest person in my family to have a broken bone"
With that "I'm pretty cool" tone to his voice.
God help me when this boy becomes a teenager!
The offending bookcase has been punished by getting screwed to the wall.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My frienemy
I love what other people can do with it.
I hate that I suck at it.
So I did what I thought was the best thing to do.
I signed up for a Photoshop elements class at my local community college.
Then I found out I have a business trip and will miss the third class.
Undeterred I went to my first class last night only to find out that;
1. I am the youngest person in class by a good 25 years.
2. The syllabus lists the third class as having everything I want to learn.
Am I the only 30 something person that couldn't read a book or fiddle
with Photoshop and learn it really well???
Don't answer that, clearly I suck.
I'm hoping I get something out of it despite missing the best class.
Lucky for me I found out that they will be giving an advanced class next semester.
I suppose I'll have to pony up for that one too.
Friday, September 19, 2008
School update
He really hates it too.
He has stopped the crying but is continuing with the clinging.
He just wraps his arms around me and whispers "Not yet momma, stay a little bit longer"
So everyday I sit a little longer until he's comfortable.
Then I haul ass home so I can start work on time.
If I could just drop him off in his classroom I know it wouldn't be like this.
Then Wednesday night he comes home with a note that says
"Reminder there is no Kindergarten on Friday"
So far this month this is the third regular day they didn't have kindergarten.
Just when I thought I was cutting daycare cost in half, it's more like just a quarter savings and a hell of a lot more stress!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Trying something new
I'm trying something new by posting from flickr.
You see I received the most awesome birthday gift from my dad.
Can you tell what it is from this picture?
My dad spoiled me with a Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro lens!
I have taken many pictures with it but this was one of my favorites. It's SOC and when I took it I fell in love with this lens.
I am having issues with getting the focus just right though.
Now I feel like I need to get a little more serious with this photography hobby.
I need to live up to my cameras potential.
Ok I just looked and I don't like how Flickr posted it at all.... crap.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
An equation
Husband forgot to take his cell phone out of his pocket before jumping in our pool on Sunday. This time the phone didn't recover and neither did any of the 200 numbers he had stored in it.
Yes you read that correct, this is the second time the phone took a dip.
No he didn't learn to write his numbers down after the first time.
The first time it went into the washing machine.
Lucky for me, my line was up for a free upgrade.
Now we do the phone switch and he gets stuck with my old one.
Monday, September 8, 2008
My crappy morning
This week we had to change the school routine by having Bug eat breakfast at school.
This means we leave the house earlier in order for me to get back home to start work on time.
We pulled into school a few minutes before they opened the doors.
As soon as I turned off the car Bug said " We have to go back home now"
I responded with "What? Why?"
Bug said " I have to poop, we have to go home."
I stammered " Are you sure? Can't you just go here at school?"
Bug shaking his head.. "Noooo mom I have to go home!"
Many options are racing through my head at this point.
Be firm and make him march in there and poop in the school bathroom.
Race home and be late to start work, but it would be OK because I would just work late tonight.
Then I thought, if I do that I am just giving in to him. He needs to get over this phobia!
Then I thought of my little boy, crying and holding in his poop because he refused to go. Only to have an accident later in the day... at school.
I turned the car back on and drove home.
10 miles round trip and we were back at school. Everything was OK until we reached his classroom. His teacher told us that every Monday the kids all start out in the gym.
As I walked him down to the gym he started to tear up. I tried to get his mind off of the sudden change, " Oh I don't know where the gym is, can you show me Bug?"
He took one look in the gym, with the chaos of kids yelling and playing. He grabbed onto me and burst into tears. He would not let me go.
I stood there trying to figure out what to do. Finally I peaked back into the gym and saw a friend of his that goes to his daycare. He was there with his mom.
We made our way over and when Bug saw his friend there he stopped crying. Still upset but not as bad, he gave me a hug, told me goodbye and let me go.
I got in my car and cried the whole way home.
God I hope tomorrow is better.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mutton Bustin'

He insisted on doing the boring canoe ride too, dancing in the boat to the silly music that played in the background.

Then he spotted some blow up plastic guitars and NEEDED one. So he "won" one on a kiddy game.

After we worked up an appetite at the carnival portion, we made our way to lunch. Then on to the animal pens to see tiny horses, pigs, cows, sheep and goats. On our way out of the animal pens we grabbed some ice cream and heard a bunch of commotion. We sat down and watched as little kids rode sheep like buckin broncos. They asked if any other kids wanted to try. We asked Bug if he wanted to try. He said " Not yet, I'm eating my ice cream." He was calm about it, watching the other kids ride and fall. When he was done with his ice cream cone he proclaimed that he was ready. He got his helmet on. They asked him his name and where he was from, then they asked him to name his sheep. He christened him "Lightning".

They put him in the shoot and off he went! With a little help from two teens, one holding the sheep's head and one hanging on to the back of Bugs shirt.

Earlier in the day we talked about the "sky lift" that runs the length of the fair grounds. None of us had taken it before and we wanted to ride it some day.
It's just like a ski lift, you ride in little benches over the tents and people below. As we were almost walking out Bug said "Are we forgetting something?" and pointed to the sky lift. We couldn't not do it then and I'm glad we did. A birds eye view of the fair is a fun sight.